The Goehner house
Built in 1889 by J.F. Goehner with bricks hauled from Nebraska City, the wrap around porch was not added until his daughter’s 16th birthday!
J.F. Goehner’s Start in Seward
John Frederick Goehner emigrated to St. Louis from Germany and came up the Missouri River to Nebraska City. It was there he heard about a western settlement called Seward. In 1873 he rode the first passenger train to Seward. He had nothing to start with, but did gather a small amount of goods and started store. He then built a dry goods store on the corner of 7th and Seward St. He was friends with John Zimmerer who had established a hardware store in Seward and the two of them planned to take a trip back to Germany.
John asked his brother Peter to come from St. Louis up to Seward, NE to mind the store while he was gone. Peter did and stayed his entire life. (His son Ed then took over the store and lived to be 100). John then built the hardware store on the northeast corner of 6th and Seward St. His son Fred would eventually (in 1909) build the furniture store on the corner of 5th & Seward St. Due to the inability to procure merchandise during the depression, it closed and was never again a strong business.
During his time J.F. Goehner built his stores, and had a grain market –his family said he would go to work at the elevator at about 5 in the morning, then work the store all day, then go finish at the elevator after he closed. He acquired a farm south of town, invested in land, contributed a quarter of the starting costs and land to establish Concordia University, helped to start Protective Fire Insurance, represented Seward County in the Legislature for a term, and worked steadfastly to procure more railway lines to and through Seward to help haul grain and freight. He assisted in platting Bee, Pleasant Dale and Goehner. Goehner was named after him, and two of his children, Walter and Doreta, gave land in Goehner for the County Historical Museum.
Lucile Duerr & her husband Fred, Second Owners of the House
In the 1970’s Lucile Duerr and her husband Fred bought the house from the two surviving children of the Goehner famil, “Punky” & Doretta. (Legend has it that “Punky” (Walter) roller skated round and round upstairs in the the house.) At this time the land reached to 6th St West, and that part of the lot was sold to Amigo’s. The carriage house was torn down and a new garage was built and updated windows were put in the “summer” kitchen.
Lucile Duerr Gaibler was the first honoree in 2003 inducted into the Concordia University “Women in Business Award” Hall of Fame. Her career included over 70 years as a cosmetologist, instructor/educator, and owner of several businesses. Lucile had two beauty shops in Seward, five in Lincoln - including a cosmetology school, and a wig shop, and two in Omaha. She started out working with one chair out of her home in Seward. This was an extraordinary achievement for a woman in the Midwest during this time.
Lucile won the Nebraska Cosmetologist Conference award in 1969, and went on to represent Nebraska at the International Conference in Paris, being recognized for expertise in cutting and styling hair.
Lucile & Fred Duerr sell the “House” in 1993 to Dick & Betty Briggs.
After retiring in California the Briggs decided to move back to Seward, Dick’s hometown. Coincidentally, Dick’s great-uncle, was Ben Goehner, born in this house. At one time they had an inspector look at the cistern in the north yard. The inspector declared it one of the biggest he’d ever seen and still in good shape. The Goehners, the Duerrs and the Briggses carved their name in the brick chimney in the attic, and they began making updates to the house. Unfortunately Dick passed away in 1994 and the house came on the market again.
Don & Sandy Everett (Runza Restaurants) became the owners of the “House”
The community of Seward will always be grateful for the investment and care they put into the house. They refinished all the floors, and removed older wallpaper, and tended to the attic and the basement. They worked with Pat Coldiron to acquire the “House” and a new chapter of the story began with Sandy even helping establish the business.
Liberty House Bed & Breakfast and Antiques
In 2002 Liberty House was established as a Bed & Breakfast and Antique shop. Recognizing the historical significance of the house, changes were not made structurally, but the house soon “filled up” with beds and merchandise! Pat Coldiron signed the papers with the attorney who shook his head and said “you’ve got a lot of moxie lady!”
From the very beginning Liberty House would not be in existence if it wasn’t for family, friends and the whole community. In those beginning years, Jeannie & Kirby and Joannie were “the ones”—just like over 100 years ago when John Goehner wanted to go on a trip he called his brother Peter to come “run the store”!
For over 22 years we have “Run the Store” selling antiques, new items, and items from our part of Nebraska. In the beginning it was challenging because the whole idea of a Bed & Breakfast was relatively new to our area, but with the advancement of smart phones, and Airbnb, the idea is now totally accepted. We have had guests from Europe, Scandinavia, the Far East and Middle East as well as South America and New Zealand. Also, from every state in the Union. Soon we think we will qualify to scratch our name on the chimney in the attic!
All through the 135 years the house has stood strong and tall. As you enter the front door—the etched glass is still in the entryway as well as the tiled foyer. The beautiful woodwork is intact all through the house with the formal front parlor having genuine cherry wood throughout, including the double pocket doors. The hearth of the fireplace in the main room has its own unique tile design. Looking up the stairs to the second floor the beautiful banisters are still useful as we “take” the stairs. On the second floor in the east room (the mother-in-law’s room) notice the beautiful stained glass window! Another point of interest is all of the bedrooms had doors opening into each room. This was probably to help with airflow for heating and cooling as were all of the transom windows above the doors. Then it is always fun to peek into the old attic up the wooden staircase. Back down in the dining room take a moment to view the beautiful parquet wood floor. Imagine putting all of this together by hand! The workmanship is amazing!